Why Dev C++ Is Not Running



Okay this is a first for me. My code compiles absolutely fine with no errors what so ever. But when I click 'Run' or 'Compile & Run', the little command window pops up but the output never appears? The command window tries to load the code for about 5 seconds and then it gives up, when usually it takes about 1 second to see my output.
After it tries to load, the command window stays scrolled down all the way at the bottom. Usually the code appears at the very beginning of the command window, so when I tried to scroll up, the side bar immediately pulls itself down.
I have made 9 different programs over the past 5 months and every single one of them runs fine except this one.
What I am doing in my code, is creating a class. This class is using methods to add, subtract, and multiply matrices. Assuming my code is fine, why is Dev C++ doing this?
I'd post my code, but it compiles without a hitch and it's 300+ lines of code. I'm sure nobody wants to read that much into this.
Does anyone know why this happening?
P.S. I don't even get the 'Press any key to continue....' that usually appears after your output in the command prompt window, even after waiting five minutes.

When I compile and run my programs in Dev C++, the output window opens and shows the output. Then instanlty the window flashes and disappears.

Please read the post titled: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING A QUESTION The latest release of Dev-C ( dates back to 2005. Both Windows Vista and Windows-7 are newer than release

How do I make the window stay long enough for me to read the output??



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Why Dev C Is Not Running On Iphone

The problem is (not really a problem), that the program is running too fast and doesn't have anything to stop it from closing. There are a number of options to solve this, most of them are mentioned here -- '>http://faq.cprogramming.com/cgi-bin/smartfaq.cgi?answer=1043803465&id=1043284385 so if you're using C++ throw a cin.ignore(); and cin.get(); before you return 0; at the end of your program