Read Txt Files Dev C++


C read file program: This C language program reads a file whose name is entered by a user and displays its contents on the screen. Function fopen is used to open a file; it returns a pointer to structure FILE which is a predefined structure in 'stdio.h' header file. If the file is successfully opened then fopen returns a pointer to the file and if it's unable to open the file then it returns NULL. Function fgetc returns a character that is read from the file, and fclose function closes the file. Opening a file means we bring the file contents from disk to RAM to perform operations on it. The file to be opened must be present in the directory in which the executable file of this program is present.

File reading program in C

C Read Text File Steps. In order to read from a text file, you follow the steps below: First, open the text file using the fopen function. Second, use the function fgets to read text from the stream and store it as a string. The newline or EOF character makes the fgets function stop reading so you can check the newline or EOF file. Feb 28, 2018  You should really be using a library to parsing CSV files in C as there are many cases that you can miss if you read files on your own. The boost library for C provides a really nice set of tools for reading CSV files.

Call open method to open a file “tpoint.txt” to perform read operation using object newfile. If file is open then Declare a string “tp”. Read all data of file object newfile using getline method and put it into the string tp. Print the data of string tp. Close the file object newfile using close method.

C programming code to open a file and print its contents on screen.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
char ch, file_name[25];
FILE *fp;

printf('Enter name of a file you wish to seen');

fp =fopen(file_name,'r');// read mode

C Program Read Text File

if(fp NULL)
perror('Error while opening the file.n');

printf('The contents of %s file are:n', file_name);


while((ch =fgetc(fp))!= EOF)
printf('%c', ch);


Opening Txt Files

Read file C program output:

Read Txt Files Dev C Online

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C++ Read Numbers From Text File

There are blank lines present at the end of the file. In our program we have opened only one file, you can open multiple files in a single program and in different modes as required. File handling is essential when we wish to store data permanently on a storage device. All variables and data of a program are lost when it exits if that data is required later we need to store it in a file.