Netinet In H Dev C++



P: n/a
On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:19:21 -0800, mislavb wrote:
Can Dev-Cpp (Mingw) (under windows) compile network libraries:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
and if yes, what do I have to do to do it?
This is the wrong newsgroup. As previously mentioned, all of those headers
are beyond the purview of this newsgroup (and thus you're more likely to
receive wrong, conflicting or generally non-constructive answers). Even
more so, <sys/socket.hisn't even provided by the Win32, Winsock or
Winsock2 API. Since MinGW is effectively an alternate compiler which
plugs into the rest of the Win32 ecosystem, you should probably seek out a
Win32 sockets/network programming forum, if not a MinGW specific one.
There are also quite a few tutorials discoverable through Google. MSDN
also has most or all the relevant information you likely require. (Having
recently ported some network code to Win32, I know merely enough to help
myself but not enough to be of help to others.)
  1. 部分信息参考 信息安全实验 信息安全实验四实验参考 参考 信息安全实验资料 四个PPT文件 server.c 套接字地址 Linux系统的套接字可以支持多种协议,每种不同的协议都是用不同.
  2. I just downloaded dev-c and I got all the header files i need. However, are you saying that I cannot simply copy the header files from dev-c to my visual studio folder because they are incompatable due to using a different compiler? I using the visual studio compiler and intel C compiler.

Download Netinet In.h

Just a dump of the FreeBSD netinet files et al as of February 5th 2013. Can be used in your C/C/Objective C networking needs. afabbro/netinet.